Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Was it this confusing for Christopher Columbus?

Now that the order has been placed, the shape of the Island needs to be chosen. Hmmmm....well, #1 looks interesting, so #1 it is. Once the Island has been approved, the buidling can begin. Can you feel the excitement? Watch for more developments to come.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Birth of Nightingale Isle

This journey began back in October, 2008, when I attended a Laerdal conference in Chicago, Ill. I heard about the educational uses of the virtual world of Second Life. I promptly went to my hotel room, made an avatar, and began to think about the possibility of piloting the use of Second Life with nursing students for my DNP system change project. The rest is history. This blog will follow this project from its creation. Come along to find out how it progresses.