Monday, July 18, 2011


It has been awhile since I have written! It is not because there has been nothing happening.......but instead because there has been so much happening. Since last I wrote I spent a week out at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in Baltimore working with colleagues who are all  National League for Nursing Health Information Technology Scholars. It was a great week learning about what is new in nursing informatics and education. Then in June I headed out to Orlando for the INACSL conference to present about my DNP project. Once again I spent the week collaborating with many nursing scholars. In other exciting news, a group of colleagues who use Second Life for educational purposes began a group called International Cooperative of Practice (ICop). Through this group I have met a group of colleagues who encompass both nurse educators and technology specialists. There has been rich discussion and interesting information shared.  We are working on adding a senior apt and assisted living to the island, and rezzing up the home birthing center. More details and pictures to come. Exciting things are happening. Stay tuned!

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